Series E light (Leeversrich) 1965




The series machines go thought the transitional; stage of changing from mechanical operation to fully logic, these recorders can be remote controlled. The Leevers rich firm never really brought out a straight forward production line of machines, most of these recorders where built to specification, the only long running series of machines where supplied to the BBC, this machine was built with cheapness and size in mind. Though this recorder is stereo and can record and playback in stereo, the meters only monitor the input recordings. The internal’s are a work of art, the machines cablings are bounded by cords, no wires cross over each other, the mechanics are precision and robust, the recorder defiantly can withstand a nock or two. These machines where a little dangerous though, the spooling transformer which I not covered has 80 Volts across it, though you do not go inside, the more dangerous voltages are at the back. On the back is the connector for the external amp, a male connector with H.T. on it, with no protection you can quite easily get a nasty shock from this recorder.
Age 1965
Customer Professional
Cost when sold £665
Control type Logic push buttons
Max Spool size 11.1/2 inch platters or spools
Speeds 7.1/2 and 15 inches/sec
Motors three
Heads three, erase, record and playback
Track configuration two track stereo
Frequency response 30Hz to 18KHz
Other tech data S to N ratio 62dB, W&F 0.1%
Special features Easy adjustable record Bias with metering.

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