EMI BTR-2 Transportable (EMI) 1958




These are very rare machines, these recorders where usually built in a large green metal case and used in studios including the BBC and Abby Road. This machine came from the BBC and was used for emergency broadcasts and to supply small broad cast setups. This machine came into my collection in November 2006, originally owned by a BBC Engineer Mr. C. Owen; I managed to get him to sell this machine to me, the recorder had been unused for many years, upon checking the machine over prior to powering it up, I found most of the internal arias (usually oily) to be very clean, as if this machine may have had an easy life. The recorder itself is housed in box B and is very heavy, inside the box is the logic relays for driving the transport and balancing resistors. Box A houses the main electronics, inside there are 4 removable units, a power supply, recorder HT driver and oscillator, Recorder amplifier and oscillator and the replay amplifier. The recorders overall build is amazing, it is built so sturdy and using the best electronics for the time, these machines earned their reputation with the BBC and other large organisations and have been sort after by collectors ever since.
Era 1955
Customer Professional
Cost when sold £1,200
Control type Full Logic and remote control
Max Spool size 11.5" reels or 29cm platters
Speeds 15" and 7.1/2" per second
Motors Three, Capstan and two reel motors
Heads 3, erase, record and playback
Track configuration Mono full track
Speed variation ± 0.25%
Wow and flutter 0.15% @ 3KHz carrier
Frequency response ± 2dB, 50Hz - 15KHz @ 15 ips
Signal to noise ratio 58dB
Distortion 2% @ 8dB
Connections Balanced 600 ohms inputs and outputs
Size of case A 45 X 80 X 34 Inches
Size of case B 29 X 34 X 18 Inches
Weight of box A 87Kg
Weight of box B 78Kg
Total power consumption 650 Watts at 240 volts
Spooling time 2.1/2 minuets
  Valves used
British American equivalent
Mullard EF37A 1620
Emitron 53KU 5Z4G
Marconi KT66 6L6G
Marconi B65 6SN7
Marconi N78 ×
Marconi KTW63 6U7G
Marconi BD63 6H6
Marconi U50 5Y3G
Marconi U52 5U4G
Marconi QS/150/15 ×
Special features Accurate time counter, Remote start, internal testing circuit and meter.

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