series 3 (Ferrograph) 1957




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This lovely series 3 Ferrograph reel to reel looks very similar to the other series from 2 though to 6, the main differences between the series 2 is that the newer recorder has tape guides and a tape counter, the series 4 had a different style meter and the series 5 had a different style head cover. The Ferrographs where always known for their build quality, all assembled by hand and carefully checked before they where sold, it was a shame that the series 7 was not really though and that the recorder caused so much damage to the Ferrograph name.







Domestic though found their ways into the BBC

Cost when sold


Control type

Mechanical with a locking solenoid upon start

Max Spool size

8" diameter


7.1/2 and 3.3/4 though other speed machines available


Three, 2 spool motors and one capstan motor


two, one dummy head for stereo replay

Track configuration

1/3 track mono

Frequency response

40Hz - 15KHz at 7.1/2, 40Hz - 6KHz at 3.3/4

Other tech data

Signal to noise > 50dB, W&F greater than 2%

Special features

additional amps and heads to convert to stereo


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